Behind the Scenes of Unsettled’s Global Passport…

By The Unsettled Team

We have a whole bunch of awesome and passionate individuals turning the Unsettled Global Passport into a reality. Unsettled’s Global Passport is our brand new members-only platform designed to inspire and support your journey as you work remotely, launch your next project, or simply seek to expand your global network with a values-driven community of professionals. Before you get to know this badass trio IRL (or In Virtual Life) live on the dashboard, let’s get to know a few of the folks behind it a little bit better on the blog… 

5 Questions with Dan, Megs & Benj


Dan Pierson – Unsettled Marketing & Partnerships 

1. Where do you call home now and where do you feel most at home?

For the first time in more than a decade, I’m living close to family in Richmond, Virginia. I’m most at home catching up with the baristas at Cafe Barajas, on the corner of Monterrey and Coahuila, in Mexico City’s Roma Norte neighborhood. 

2. What does a “global community” mean to you?

Access to a global community brings diverse ideas and opinions that constantly push me to think about my role in the world. Plus the opportunity to find friendly faces, wherever I land.  

3. If you could ask one being one question tomorrow, what would it be?

I’d ask Malala how she found so much courage, at such a young age, in the face of such adversity.  

4. What is one sentence you wish you could say in every language? 

“Please show me the way to your favorite local restaurant!”

5. What would you say is the big question in your life at the moment?

How can I continue to hone in on striking a balance between staying grounded and appreciating what I have now, while also pursuing my wider ambitions? 


Meghan Rutigliano – Unsettled Programming & Partnerships 

1. Where do you call home now and where do you feel most at home? 

I’ve called the San Francisco Bay Area my home for 13 years and have felt nurtured nestled amidst our beautiful hills and rolling fog and creative scene. I also consider Barcelona a second home and long to return there when travel opens back up. I feel most at home when I feel like I’m an integral part of a community. The communities I love offer me creative projects I can immerse myself in, and Unsettled, as Burning Man did, has offered me a place to do that and a community of like-minds….so I feel at home with the Unsettled community now, and I’m grateful for that.  

2. What does a “global community” mean to you?

 I’ve built a career nurturing global communities through Burning Man, through festival culture and now through Unsettled’s Global Passport. I like the diversity of perspectives and backgrounds the community members have. At its core, a global community is a network of people united by a shared sense of values and a common desire to learn, to grow, and to support one another in a quest to never let things get too normal and to never let oneself get too “stuck”. 

3. At a moment when you are lacking inspiration, what do you turn to?

Music, music, music. Music heals me. Right now I’m taking a tour through the music of 60s-70s, specifically the sessions recorded at Muscle Shoals in Alabama and also by groups that exemplified the “California sound” that emerged from Laurel Canyon in Los Angeles.

4. Do you have a life mantra? If so, what is it?

Carpe diem. 

5. What would you say is the big question in your life at the moment?

How can I be the most effective at the things I’m trying to do and the best at supporting the people in my life?


Benjamin Trotter – Unsettled Tech & Platforms Lead

 1. Where do you call home now and where do you feel most at home?

I call Austin, TX home for now, but feel really at home in Japan.

2. What does a “global community” mean to you? 

 A community of friends and peers that seek similar answers to life’s questions from different perspectives from the world. 

 3. What is one thing you need in your workspace to have a productive day?

A huge monitor. I try working on laptops and feel only a small percentage of productivity that I do when working on a large monitor.

4. If your life today was a song, what would it be called and in what genre? 

Today, it would definitely be more of a melancholic song due to isolation and restriction of movement. Maybe ‘When the earth stops spinning, I’ve got to keep on moving’.

 5. What would you say is the big question in your life at the moment? 

 How to feel a sense of belonging to a consistent community that provides me with meaning and how I can intentionally lead my life.

Get to know these folks and so many more in Unsettled’s Global Passport, a monthly journey of peer-to-peer growth, discovery, and connection.

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A Sacred Journey Awaits.

A Sacred Journey Awaits.

That’s the whole point: We travel to gain insights into how people across the globe live and work so that we might be inspired to challenge society’s expectations of what we should do with our lives, and define this for ourselves.

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Knowing When To Begin A New Journey

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Unsettled is a global community for those who live and work differently. 

Growth | Meaning | Adventure

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