TED Talk Tuesday: Buenos Aires

Begin to embrace your inner Porteño and dive into the magic of Buenos Aires this Tuesday. With a European feel and a Latin American heart, Buenos Aires is steeped in history, culture, art, and adventure down every boulevard. Before you meet the humans behind Unsettled: Buenos Aires, let’s get a taste of her “fair winds”.

“When the music starts, strangers embrace.”

Will you start leading a tango double life while living Unsettled in Buenos Aires? By day Aneta Key is an executive, and by night she is an Argentinian tango expert. She articulates how the “radical openness” of the dance itself releases heavy endorphins and the music stops time. Tango offers opportunities for its dancers to experience and appreciate flow states. We think you will have to give tango at least one try…

“Tell me what you see.”

Gonzalo Vilariño is not the only Argentinian who has learned life-changing lessons through soccer. Here he recounts coaching Argentina’s blind soccer team to victory, and how on the field he treats all players as athletes, and off the field he puts himself in their shoes. Be deeply inspired and brush up on your Spanish at the same time!


“This is me and this is my personality.”

Explore the streets of your new neighborhood, Palermo Soho, in this not-exactly-a-TED-talk but sneak peak of the authentic fashion, cobblestone streets, colorful cafes, and chic restaurants waiting for you in the Argentinian capital this fall (or spring in the southern hemisphere). Want to fill up that wine glass with some Malbec yet?

Ready to explore Buenos Aires? Join us for Unsettled: Buenos Aires this year! 


Unsettled is a global community for those who live and work differently. 

Growth | Meaning | Adventure

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