By: The Unsettled Team
Many Unsettled alumni and members of our community have been curious about our Mastermind over the last few weeks. Our first cohort has 230 curious minds, but that leaves 90% of our alumni and 100% of our followers asking:
What is going on there?! What is the Unsettled Mastermind? What do you do in there? Is it for me? And when can I join?
On April 1st, Unsettled launched The Unsettled Mastermind (Beta) as a collaborative experiment designed to bring a global community to your doorstep…at a time when you can’t leave it.
We launched this with full transparency: It is an experiment in the Frankenstein sense of the word. Indeed, we may have created a monster (read on). This was our goal:
- Run a 30-day program rooted in setting and working towards our goals in a peer-to-peer, collaborative environment.
- Create connections among our global community that spans 80+ countries.
- Identify and share opportunities for work, growth, collaboration, and much more.
Our little Frankenstein is evolving as we speak, and it’s growing.
Every month from here onwards, we will open a few spots for new members to apply and join. If you are interested in joining, as of this writing there may be some open spots, so sign up here ASAP.
Some of the many highlights of April’s Unsettled Mastermind:
- 230 participants and even more wishes and gifts shared.
- 7532 Slack messages.
- 27 events on our calendar, including a virtual bonfire, poetry workshop, an Enneagram workshop, dance party, a guest talk with a NASA scientist who worked on the Apollo 13 mission 50 years ago this week, and a neuroscientist sharing his tools for managing uncertainty in life.
- Over 50 different Slack channels built and maintained.
- Over 200 daily goals shared and checked off.
- 20 poems written and shared in our #poetry channel.
- And a few of our upcoming peer-to-peer workshops include: Mastering Your Presence In Front of an Audience, An Unsettled Hosted Event: Coffee + Vulnerability, and On Your Marks, Get Set, Create: A Path to Your Creative Break.
Ready to join our experiment in virtual community building?
Sign up for the next Month’s Mastermind today!
Unsettled is a global community for those who live and work differently.
Growth | Meaning | Adventure