What’s stopping you from taking your work on the road in 2022?

Work Remotely? What’s stopping you from taking it on the road?

By: Alexa Torres

Established in 2016, Unsettled Bali set out to open one of the world’s most inspiring destinations to the few remote workers who could combine work and travel back then.

Fast forward to 2020, and none of us could have imagined how the impact of a virus would affect how we work in the coming years. 

For better or for worse, COVID-19 has been an eye opening experience, one that has led many around the world to seek meaning and to ask big questions. Questions like: Is this it? Why am I working so hard and not getting more freedom in my life?  

These very same questions are what inspired the vision for Unsettled. 

Maybe you had been thinking about it for a while, and maybe the upside down state of the world has led you here to Unsettled. Maybe you have been dreaming of working from new locations around the world.

Whether you are looking for some inspiration or a change in lifestyle altogether, you are not alone. Millions are in the same boat, and we want to see more people living more intentionally.

Now, more than ever, our world is in need of greater connection. People are seeking community, inspiration, and an opportunity to redesign their lives. People are in search of discovery for meaning, discovery of purpose, of something that goes beyond the screens we have been confined to over the last 2 years. 

So the question is…What are you going to do to discover your sense of community, inspiration, and freedom?

Are you going to take advantage of all the changes in your life now? Or stay status quo?

We challenge you to answer the question honestly. While you’re at it, think about this question: 

What’s stopping you from working somewhere like Bali?

Millions of people have made the switch. What’s stopping you? 

Although it can feel like a scary leap, we’re here to tell you that by asking yourself these questions, you are one step closer to achieving the life you’ve always dreamed of. 

Ready to take the leap along with the thousands of Unsettled alumni who have embarked on the journey of a lifetime? Finally, after being closed for more than two years, Unsettled Bali is back in action and it’s one click away from the best months of your life! 

If you can work remotely, what are you waiting on? Take your job on the road. Go to Bali. Go with Unsettled. Go with someone, somewhere! 

Why not take your work on the road?

Unsettled is a global community for those who embrace the unknown and value meaningful human connection. Our mission is to inspire a lifelong pursuit of growth, meaning, and adventure through travel and shared experiences.

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Reintroducing Unsettled Bali

Reintroducing Unsettled Bali

Unsettled participants are a deeply curious bunch, willing to ask life’s big questions as much as they are ready to let loose and have fun.

Unsettled is a global community for those who live and work differently. 

Growth | Meaning | Adventure

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