Healthy Habits for the WFH Lifestyle
Whether you work from home or are living the laptop lifestyle, here are 4 work from home tips.

How Travel Can Save the World and 5 Ways We Do on Unsettled Amazon in 2022
5 Ways Travel Can Save the World
Behind the Scenes of Unsettled’s Global Passport…
By The Unsettled Team We have a whole bunch of awesome and passionate individuals turning the Unsettled Global Passport into a reality. Unsettled’s Global Passport is our brand new members-only platform designed to inspire and support your journey as you work...

People, Place, Purpose & More
“I have found my place. And it’s not 4 walls, a zip code, or a downpayment, but it is everywhere.”

To Move or Not to Move: Is the Global Pandemic Helping or Hurting?
Conventional wisdom tells us that when it comes to choosing where to live, like most other things in life, we can’t have it all. But that was before the days of a global pandemic.

7 Ways We Can Help Our Community in Beirut
The events on August 4th have directly impacted so many of our community members. We want to share ways to help our Lebanese family in the wake of the terrible explosion that occurred in central Beirut on August 4th.

Wandering Into Boredom
“Two weeks ago, for the first time in years, I got bored.”

How A Garage Sale In Los Angeles Landed Me A Dream Career In Africa
“In the end, a career is what you make of it. We can plan, we can obsess, we can try to predict. But at the end of the day, the most important thing we can be is open.”

What Was Your Most Defining Moment of the Last Decade?
What were some of the Unsettled team’s most defining moments of the 2010s?

My Year as a Map of Human Connections
“The common denominator among all these moments was, unsurprisingly, people. And that all of those impactful moments were rooted in one major thing: human connection.”