10 Great Reads If You Plan On Traveling Solo & Working Remotely in 2020

By: Naomi Matlow 

Who better to learn from than be inspired by than those that did it themselves?

According to Paul Metselaar, the CEO of Ovation Travel Group, international travel has grown 40% within the last year and the numbers of international travelers is only set to grow in the year ahead. Additionally, National Geographic recently published there top 2020 destinations for transformative travel. They are speaking our language… 

Before traveling solo and embarking on your remote work adventure, here are 10 great reads from the Unsettled team, Unsettled alumni, and the Unsettled community who have and continue to experience the transformation that travel and making the world your office brings. 

1. From Global Board Rooms to Global Citizen: Why I Quit My Humanitarian Job to Take a Sabbatical

By: Unsettled alum Melody Miles

Choosing a season of wandering was the best thing I’ve ever done in life. I’d tell you I finally feel like that wild and free girl now, but it required being lost for a good-long while. I’d talk to you about how my greatest transformation emerged from giving the middle finger to other people’s expectations and giving myself permission to beginning again in life.” 

2. Why Do We Work? One Theory by Pseudo-Anthropologist & Unsettled Co-Founder

By: Unsettled Co-founder Michael Youngblood

“What happened with the rise of agriculture and the worldwide ‘settling’ of our species into literal settlements, towns, cities, and megacities of today, forced us into working longer, harder, and less fulfilling hours. But today, we can take it back.”

3. Why Learning to Surf in Nicaragua Went Beyond Facing the Waves 

By: Unsettled alum Judy Cogan

“For me, my first lesson meant much more than picking up a new skill or working out in a different way. If the urge for self-improvement and embracing the unknown had motivated me to sign up for the trip in the first place, learning to surf was part of seeing that through.” 

4. Why Designing Your Life and Career Might Be Less Daunting Than You Think 

By: Unsettled Co-founder Jonathan Kalan

“Ultimately, the question most of us face is how do we design our lives to serve that ideal personal vision we have of our future? A life that aligns our values, skills, and interests into one symmetrical feeling of, ‘ah, this is what I’ve been seeking!’”

5. Learning to Leave to Fully Live 

By: Unsettled alum Stefana Chivoiu

“My eyes filled with tears and I started smiling. This scene and that feeling in the air, the pure bliss that surrounded us, made me understand that really, all we have is now. So why not enjoy it?”

6. Why You Should Waste More Time: The Case For Mindful and Purposeful Travel 

By: Unsettled alum Reihaneh Mozaffari 

“I processed the past, assessed my present, and made decisions for the direction I would like my personal and professional life to head in for the next 5 years. The only thing was that I was not prepared for was the shock on my friends and on strangers faces when I told them that I was traveling by train by choice, sometimes taking the whole day to get from one city to the other.”

7. Portraits of Medellin: Through the Lens of Unsettled Alum Matt Tuapola 

“The Medellin I have seen in the media is not what I found when I was there and this reminded me that real life travel to new places is always rewarding and surprising.”

8. Do You Need A Set Notion of Home? 

By: Unsettled alum Carolyn Gonglefski 

For my 10 year work anniversary with Advent Group in 2018, my company sponsored the personally enriching and enhancing experience of a two-week retreat in Marrakesh with Unsettled. It was during this adventure that I realized that not only do I strive to embrace the unknown, but that my comfort zone – previously limited to the United States and France – is now extended the world over.”

9. When Plan A Doesn’t Work… What’s Next? 

By: Unsettled alum Lauren Hardgrove

“There have been a few times in my life, though, when my intuition has screamed so loudly to drop everything and go that I simply could not ignore her.”

10. #NeverSettles Series: Wandering the World with Unsettled Alum Wayne Culpepper 

“I find I have the most creative sparks when I let my mind wander and don’t force it, and my mind wanders most when I’m actually physically wandering. Especially in new places exposing the senses to new people, sites, sounds, and tastes.

Ready to travel solo and work remotely in 2020 with Unsettled? Apply here!













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