Want to Try Remote Coworking in 2020? Cape Town is Your Paradise.

By: Naomi Matlow

Cape Town is famously known as Africa’s start-up capital. As an entire continent’s hub of innovation and creativity, coworking is a tried and true practice in the Mother City. In 2018, Cape Town was ranked 24 out of 31 in leading global cities by PwC’s Cities of Opportunity. 


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Why do so many start-ups set up shop in Cape Town? Maybe because it is so much more than a crossroads of 2 major oceans. It is also a city brimming with community, is lifestyle-focused, and an outdoor adventurer’s paradise. The city itself also hosts over 25 coworking spaces (and many of them are amongst the most beautiful and inspiring work spots that we have ever seen!).     








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Unsettled Experience Leader and Cape Town native, Lynne “Scully” Scullard uses the word coined by South African Bank, “Africanacity” to describe her hometown. According to Scully, “I believe that because of our tricky past, because we are still a developing country and because we are a curious people trying to solve many social challenges, we are birthing exceptional talent in innovation and creativity. The word Africanacity is an authentic fit and Cape Town is bursting with it.”

Unsurprisingly, Cape Town is the first city in Africa to be named a UNESCO City of Design. It is often a city’s resilience in spite of its storied history that forces innovation, reinvention, and creativity. No wonder new ways of working and living are palpable in her ocean air. And then on top of it all (literally the top) is Cape Town’s natural beauty. In 2012 Table Mountain was named one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature. Innovative ideas call for epic panoramic views, right?


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Take it from a local. According to Mel Cook, Unsettled Cape Town’s Location Manager and born and bred South African, there is something for everyone in Cape Town. “Cape Town is specifically unique because you can drive half an hour out of town and be at one of the most gorgeous wine farms. And then you can go ten minutes outside of the city and you are on Table Mountain. It is one of the few cities in the world with a mountain range on the coast. There is a very big coworking community and loads of coffee shops to be able to sit and work from anywhere. It is a seriously diverse city with the biggest expat community in South Africa. There is also a massive food market culture which is sick. I love how dynamic it is. There is really something for everyone in a city like Cape Town.”

Are you ready to grab your laptop, hiking shoes, wine glass, and bathing suit for an epic adventure in Africa’s start-up capital? Join us!

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