On Transitions: Q&A with Dr. Katie Kostohryz ? Katie Kostohryz is an Unsettled alumni (Bali, August 2018), an assistant professor of counselor education, and a fascinating conversationalists on topics ranging from identity change to the pursuit of life’s...
Q&A with our Mexico City Expert Isabel Corral ? By: Isabel Corral, Mexico City Location Manager My journey with Unsettled started in May 2017. I wrote to them because of two reasons. One, I really connected with their culture and value proposition. I also...
Top 15 Digital Nomad F#*k Ups ? By: Lala Franklin-Apted, VP of Experience at Unsettled “So much of who we are is where we have been”… Sometimes inspiring travel quotes get literal in a not-so-good way. That was the moment, after washing my hands in an airport...
Travel As The Ultimate Mental Health Reset: My Lessons From Cape Town ? By: Tahira Hayes, Unsettled Cape Town alumniAnxiety – one medium-sized word that’s had an oversized impact on my life. Anxiety can feel a bit like you’re a hamster on a wheel –...
“Oh, the Places We Go!”: 10 Crazy Ways We’ve Traveled on Unsettled Retreats ? By Naomi Matlow In honor of World Poetry Day, we put our rhyming muscles to test and reflected on all the ways that Unsettled participants travel to and across our locations around the...
Q&A with Ellis Rosen, Cartoonist and Illustrator for The New Yorker ? By Jonathan Kalan, Co-Founder, Unsettled Ellis Rosen for The New Yorker For years now, I’ve secretly envied the job of cartoonists. To look at the world – our everyday interactions,...