Introducing… Unsettled’s 1-Week Adventures

By: Jonathan Kalan & Michael Youngblood, Unsettled Co-founders

When you hear the words “group travel”, do you cringe?

Do you imagine a herd of human sheep with silly looking name tags getting off a tour bus at the command of some all-knowing tour guide?

Yeah. Us too.

Which is why for the past few years at Unsettled, we’ve actively designed to avoid that kind of travel. We’ve defined an Unsettled experience as one that is shared, co-created, and community-driven. These values are true to our core. They do justice to our founding philosophy. Hell, they’ll do justice to just about anything we ever do at or beyond Unsettled.

We believe the world of travel focuses so much on creating certainty in itineraries and packaged activities, that they forget half the joy of travel is about embracing the uncertainty, the unexpected, and the unknown; those experiences that give us a sense of growth, meaning, and adventure we seek when venturing beyond our borders.

What we need is loose structure that welcomes independence but also provides a platform to meet other people, explore, and learn from each other.

Why doesn’t this exist?

It does. And we do it every single day on Unsettled trips around the world. Since 2016, Unsettled has been running month-long and two-week coworking retreats and experiences for working professionals to break out of their routine, get inspired, and live differently with an exceptional community.

We’ve built a global community of 1800 members from 80+ countries. We’ve run over 80 retreats in over 16 countries. And today, we’re excited to announce our newest form of travel:

Welcome to Unsettled Adventures

Opening in Tokyo, Baja California, Mexico City, Lebanon, and Costa Rica this fall, these are 1-week adventures that bring the best of adventure travel but throw out the classic itinerary and structure from group travel to leave time and space for you to build community, explore your own interests, and have spontaneous moments that simply don’t exist when every hour of every day has something to do.

In a world that’s over structured and over scripted, sometimes, we need a break from exactly that.

That’s why Unsettled’s 1-week experiences are designed to twist traditional group travel into an unstructured, unbounded, and unexpected shared experience of a lifetime that pushes you to live more.

We believe that extraordinary travel experiences can still be curated, without being guided. They can be thoughtful, without being over-designed. They can be communal, without being groupthink. They can be deeply personal, without being isolating or a group therapy session. They can be a platform of life-defining moments, but they don’t need to pack every minute full of things to “do.”

We can travel slower, explore the unknown, and find our community, all at the same time.

Join us and adventure on…


Unsettled is a global community for those who live and work differently. 

Growth | Meaning | Adventure

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