Unsettled’s COVID Precautions

Unsettled’s COVID Policies and Precautions


If there’s one positive thing that we’ve all seen in the past year that may be an understated upside from COVID, it’s this: 

When we all do our part, we can get through anything together. 

Today, Unsettled is taking that mantra forward. We’re starting to travel again, and we know it’s time because, when we all do our part, we can do anything. 

As we return to travel, it’s going to take all of us, working together, to do so in a healthy way. This is, in fact, the very foundation of what it means to live Unsettled — to co-create a world of possibilities by working with a community of your peers. It’s how we’ve run 100% of our experiences to date, and it’s why we feel ready to announce our return to travel. 

We know that our community-driven experience model lifts every participant up to live, work, and adventure together, in ways that aren’t possible alone. Here’s how we will take these deeply seated values to restart travel in a way that’s healthy for all of us: 

When we all do our part, we can get through anything together.

  • Do your part: Get vaccinated. We strongly, strongly encourage all participants to get vaccinated at least three weeks before their trip start date. We will be doing so ourselves! We set our first travel dates of 2021 after assessing the pace of COVID vaccination distribution and will continue to monitor the situation.


  • Do your part: Upon arriving at our location, all participants will be required to take and pass a COVID-19 test and show results before meeting up with our group. In Baja, for example, tests are administered at the airport, and results are emailed to you with 30-40 minutes. By the time participants begin their experience, we will have confirmation that 100% of participants have tested negative for COVID, before coming together as a community.


  • Do your part: All participants are required to wear a mask and social distance when we are outside of our community. All participants will be required to follow and respect local ordinance on wearing masks, social distancing, allowance of group sizes, etc. with no leeway given when we are in public places. 

Unsettled will be doing our part as well.

We will share testing sites and processes in each location. For example, here’s a comprehensive look at how COVID testing works in La Paz, where we will depart on our sailing Baja trip on May 14. 

We are taking food prep more seriously than ever. For example, on our sailing trips, we will have our boats stocked with provisions (food and water) before we arrive so we do not have to send multiple parties to the markets. In Bali, we will use delivery services to stock our pantries as well. We will design our experiences so that we take advantage of the great wide open. For example, once we leave the docks in Baja, we will sail into the wilderness and you may not interact with another person for the entire trip (outside of a dive instructor, local guide, or a local fisherman).

Our trips will remain small. We will have small, diverse groups that allow us to travel easier, remain flexible and better consolidate the community. 

We will be very selective in deciding the hand-picked locations we return to (and when). There’s a reason why we are starting our first trip to Baja. It’s just south of the U.S. border but in a very remote environment. Our port-of-call, La Paz, is a modern town with an International airport and other good infrastructure, and we know each and every location well.

Our cancellation and refund policy are more flexible than ever. Please see this post to see our clear and easy travel policy for 2021.

All of this is being taken very seriously by our team, vendors, and we put this same expectation of seriousness on our community. We do this because we truly believe that when experiences are co-created they can be life-changing and healthy for all. 

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Where Do Introverts Belong In Travel?

Where Do Introverts Belong In Travel?

At Unsettled, we don’t box you in. Some days you crave deep conversation; other days, solitude calls. We design travel experiences where introverts and extroverts don’t just coexist—they sharpen each other.

Unsettled is a global community for those who live and work differently. 

Growth | Meaning | Adventure

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