What Inspired Our New 1-Week Adventures?

By: Lala Franklin-Apted, VP of Experience

What is possible in one week? Or even more Unsettled-style, what isn’t?

For the last three years we have created a way for people from all walks of life to gather together in extraordinary locations and explore how they can work and live differently. Today, we are growing that in an exciting and new way by launching Unsettled 1-week trips…and honestly, the evolution couldn’t feel more natural for us. Why? Because in the past three years we’ve all grown and so have the ways in which we live, work, and travel.

In the middle of last year, the Unsettled HQ team met for 1 week of bonding, meeting, and exploring in Mexico City. The first time there for many of us, we were shown the ropes by our local friends and added some new ones along the way as we soaked it all in, talked big ideas, and took each other to the spots we had been stalking on the gram in the months prior. It was a pretty epic week – part reunion, part mini meeting of the minds / conference, and part urban cool-hunting –  and it did two very important things for us. First, it showed us what was possible in a week together and second, it completely unfucked all of our routines. (In doing that it also set us on a course that made the end of 2018 one hell of a year of blood, sweat, tears, and the kind of growth that only comes if you really stop to take a look at things closely…but that is a story for another post!)

Almost 1 year later, to the day, we are ready to bring 1-week Unsettled Experiences to you, the people who want to travel like us, with us, and alongside us. This is our Unsettled version of travel experiences for professionals and explorers who, as we do, want to break out of their routine and shake up their lives but can’t always carve out one month or two weeks to step away from their busy schedules. Hey, it happens to the best of us.  

It took us a year to get here, because we wanted to make sure that no matter what, we were always staying true to what it means to be Unsettled. That is a puzzle that is easy to solve over the course of a month. But a week can fly by if you are not watching carefully… and in that, we ended up finding our answer. At the core of Unsettled’s one-week experiences lies the same foundational approach that we take across all our work; an approach that is unstructured, unbounded, and unexpected. Travel that forces you to stay intentional in your choices. A lifestyle that lets you stay connected to the potential of the world. And moments, one at a time, that let you stop and just be. At the heart of this is you, our travelers… we provide the time, space, and platform to plug into a destination, but we won’t tell you exactly how to do it, where to spend every minute of every day, or how to get value out of your experience. Your Unsettled week is yours.

Like everything at Unsettled, our one-week experiences are designed for a curated community of travelers who want to gain perspective and inspiration on how they are living and working today. On our one month immersive experiences we originally set out to explore the question of ‘how we want to live’, and now, our 1-week experiences are here to help us explore ‘how we want to travel’.

So what’s possible in a week? You get to help us decide… for one week we are going to come together to live along with the Unsettled community in the places  we know and love, beginning with Tokyo, Mexico City, Costa Rica, Lebanon, and more on the way.

For one week, we will embark on local adventures that let us immerse ourselves in new insights, so we can breakout of our routines, refresh our muses, and remember how much the world really contains. For one-week we will aim to live more and work less. This is not about checking out, on some 1-week package holiday where you follow the flag… this is about checking in – to your life, to adventure, and to all the possibility that is out there waiting to be uncovered.

And now there is only one question left: Are you in?


Unsettled is a global community for those who live and work differently. 

Growth | Meaning | Adventure

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