Jonathan Wicks
Chicago, Illinois
Unsettled destination:
Playa Santana, Nicaragua
What do you do for work?
I’m an entrepreneur; I own two contracting companies in the States.
What are you most passionate about?
Bringing people together. Whether it’s in the manner of an employer/team builder, or just connecting with strangers and finding common ground.
Reason for joining Unsettled?
I loved the concept of travel that allows both work capability and connection with like-minded individuals. And two weeks was just the perfect amount of time to mix work and play.
What does being Unsettled mean to you?
Living Unsettled to me means pursuing adventure – both in and out of my comfort zone. It makes me broaden my horizon; deepen, discover, and learn a little bit more about myself in the process.
What Next? Explore Unsettled!
Unsettled is a global community for those who live and work differently.
Growth | Meaning | Adventure