Finding the Space to Search for Synchronicity

Finding the Space to Search for Synchronicity

The Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung coined the term “synchronicity” in the mid-20th century to refer to a “meaningful coincidence of two or more events where something other than probability of chance is involved.” When we actively open our eyes to...

Who’s Living Unsettled This Week: Nicole Jacobson

Who’s Living Unsettled This Week: Nicole Jacobson

Unsettled is a truly co-created experience. Every week, we like to highlight participants who are part of creating our experiences at destinations around the world, and share their story. This week, meet Nicole who's living Unsettled with us in Porto. WHO:  Nicole...

Who’s Living Unsettled This Week: Sara and Bart

Who’s Living Unsettled This Week: Sara and Bart

Unsettled is a truly co-created experience. Every week, we like to highlight participants who are part of creating our experiences at destinations around the world, and share their story. This week, meet Sara and Bart who are travelling together with us in Bali. WHO:...

Living Boldly Series: Claire Sanders

Living Boldly Series: Claire Sanders

“My life has totally changed! Not only have I made a success in my freelance business, I have also allowed myself to open up to a new relationship.” In a very romantic tale, Claire returns back to England from her Bali experience and finds… LOVE.