By: The Unsettled Team
Ballet dancers. NASA engineers. CEOs. Surgeons. Lawyers. Netflix producers. Over the past two years, we’ve been lucky to host hundreds of self-driven, badass and incredibly inspiring women from over 81 countries on our retreats. We celebrate their stories everyday; stories like, jumping out of burning plane at 1,700 ft and surviving; running and crawling 200km in six days across Bhutan through mud, jungle, heat and cold; participating in a six-week silent meditation; teaching arts in a state prison; training in 11 countries for a marathon to support the education of women in Thailand… and so much more.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we recognize and celebrate stories, passions, dreams and leadership of some of our Unsettled women who always inspire us and make us proud of our global community! We look up to you ladies. Today and everyday.
What do you do for work?
I’m a tropical tree crop consultant in developing countries. No idea what that is? Don’t worry – no one does!
I have 4 main streams of work:
– Sourcing tree crop commodities like: cocoa, coffee and coconuts (and associated products) for buyers all around the world.
– Working in developing countries to design and implement livelihood programs in those same industries.
– Working in climate change adaptation in developing countries, mainly helping communities to implement changes in their agricultural practices.
– Food security in post conflict zones, e.g. helping subsistence farming communities to move back and start agricultural production again.
What does it mean to you to be called an “international woman”?
It means taking the time to understand other cultures and realising that everyone has a different kind of ‘normal’. It means being open-minded, open-hearted, and genuinely welcoming to people who come into your world from all different walks of life.
If you could say one thing to all young women around the world, what would you say?
You are capable of far more than you imagine, take risks and believe in yourself. Saying yes to opportunities can always be followed by saying no if it’s not right for you, the reverse doesn’t usually apply.
What would you say to your 18-year-old self?
It’s OK not to have a plan in life! Going with the flow and being open to new opportunities takes more courage than to seek stability and safety in routine.
Lived Unsettled in?
Morocco & Tuscany
What do you do for work?
I am a psychotherapist, specialized in the Psychology of Money, helping women to transform their relationships with money from the inside out, remembering that their power to manifest anything in the world comes from within.
What does it mean to you to be called an “international woman”?
There are no borders, I consider myself a citizen of the world. To be called an international woman is to reaffirm that I belong anywhere and I have the power of the freedom to choose for myself.
What is your wish for the future of womankind?
My wish is that we make “waking up” a priority and rediscover our inner power and light and share it with the world. That we rely in our inner wisdom to make the right decisions for ourselves and stop asking for validation outside of ourselves.
If you could say one thing to all young women around the world, what would you say?
Look inside, all the wisdom, all the answers already inside of you, do not waste your time asking for permission from outside of yourself. Remember where you came from before coming into this body; you are connected to your source, you just have to remember.
What would you say to your 18-year-old self?
Your life is going to be amazing, you will make your priority to grow and expand and you will learn again how to love and respect yourself. Your life will be so full of adventures, you will go out of your comfort zone with confidence and joy.
Lived Unsettled in?
Bali & Buenos Aires
What do you do for work?
I’m a strategist and coach for women in business with a focus on personal brand building. I help women to create more visibility and impact through PR, content, social media and events, creating a bespoke brand journey which is aligned with their business goals and vision. I also recently launched Sojourn, an editorial platform for female founders in Europe. We have our first business retreat coming up in May.
What does it mean to you to be called an “international woman”?
For me it means four things: freedom, opportunity, connection and possibility. I’m grateful that I have a business which allows me to travel and work and be location independent which gives me freedom. It’s also about connection. I have an amazing network of other “International women” who I am proud to call my friends and who are all achieving great things in their own right. I also feel like it’s about opportunity and unexpected possibilities. Being an international woman is living without boundaries and being open to new experiences, people, and places.
What is your wish for the future of womankind?
That every woman feels supported and encouraged and feels confident enough to create the life they want. Also that they have access to the resources they need to make that happen.
If you could say one thing to all young women around the world, what would you say?
Take a leap and have the confidence to do what you want whether that’s travelling the world, setting up a business, whatever lights you up.
What would you say to your 18-year-old self?
Feel the fear and do it anyway!
Lived Unsettled in?
What do you do for work?
I am a photojournalist born, bred and based in Karachi, Pakistan.
If you could say one thing to all young women around the world, what would you say?
I would want to tell young women that it’s good to have fire in your soul, as long as there is grace in your heart.
What would you say to your 18-year-old self?
I would tell my 18 year old self that I’m glad you had grace in your heart!
Lived Unsettled in?
What do you do for work?
I’m working as the community-manager at The Kroon (The Crown) right now, a brand new creative hotspot in Rotterdam. It’s an awesome place that hosts up to 102 creative businesses now.
We are located in an old electro-technical factory building that by itself is an inspirational place to be in. By combining our unique powers and our creative talents this place has the best vibes!
What does it mean to you to be called an “international woman”?
It just feels right, I am an international woman 😉 I love to travel and after my stay in Nicaragua there is so much more traveling ahead of me!
What is your wish for the future of womankind?
- Equality
- Safety
- No beauty standards
If you could say one thing to all young women around the world, what would you say?
Hey girls! Let’s never fight over guys anymore, let’s stick together.
What would you say to your 18-year-old self?
Trust in your gut feeling, it’s always right!
Lived Unsettled in?
What do you do for work?
As an eCommerce strategy lead, I help companies sell more of what they sell.
What does it mean to you to be called an “international woman”?
This question made me pause.
Hang on.
I have never been asked this question.
Is ‘International Woman’ a thing?
I decided to wear a corporate lens to answer and this, ladies and gentlemen, is my interpretation.
An international woman is someone who is, I suppose, well travelled. But not just that. She is acclaimed for having the balls to step outside the boundaries of her society. She probably calls more than one place her home. Her experiences make her crazy rich…and her adventures – stupidly famous. Her own folks are her biggest cheerleaders. She is the boss, in her own right – this makes some jealous, some amused but most of the world is a happy spectator to her conquests.
What is your wish for the future of womankind?
That womankind will start at the same line.
That at some point we’ll stop playing catch up.
That equal pay will no longer be debated in IWD forums.
That leaders amongst our kind will be chosen because of the things we can accomplish.
That we will never be judged by our ability or willingness to procreate.
That we will have basic human rights without ever having to campaign for it.
If you could say one thing to all young women around the world, what would you say?
At the cost of using what sounds like a cliche, I would say, “Do anything you please and do only things that please you”. In the roles we adopt through our lives (mothers/partners/wives/daughters) there is an unsaid expectation of sacrifice. Dear young women of the world, please raise your neatly manicured (or not) middle finger to that guilt. Pursue what makes you happy as an individual.
Lived Unsettled in?
Cape Town
What do you do for work?
I am the founder of an ethical brand (The Hayat) which focuses on working with artisans in small communities, showcasing their skills and how each product is made. We aim to work with the communities so a fair price is paid for the products and also aim to give back to each community.
What does it mean to you to be called an “international woman”?
To be an “international woman” means I have a voice that can impact anyone anywhere in the world.
What would you say to your 18-year-old self?
Have confidence in yourself and don’t stress out about what anyone thinks of you.
Lived Unsettled in?
What do you do for work?
Art director and graphic designer based in Beirut with a heart around the world. Passionate of branding design and dark chocolate ice cream.
What does it mean to you to be called an “international woman”?
An international woman to me is a woman who lets her spirit travel, who dares to travel with her heart, mind, and body and not only her body. An international woman is a woman that feels home everywhere she goes.
If you could say one thing to all young women around the world, what would you say?
To all young women around the world, I would tell them to always ‘take your passion and make it happen’. That there are different definitions of happiness in this life, find yours and not the definition the society or family impose on you. Your heart, your guts and your passion will take you everywhere you want. Everywhere.
What would you say to your 18-year-old self?
18? How beautiful it is if I tell you that this is just the beginning, that the best is yet to come? And I mean it. Open your heart and let the magic do the work.
Lived Unsettled in?
Buenos Aires
What do you do for work?
I am currently founding my own business. A strategic communication firm providing innovative, communication-based solutions to small and medium organizations aiming to launch and grow their social impact footprint, shift culture, and build inclusive communities while generating positive business results.
If you could say one thing to all young women around the world, what would you say?
You matter. What you think matters, your opinion matters, what you feel matters, your dreams matter. Speak up, speak your truth, and be kind to yourself. Perspective is everything.
What would you say to your 18-year-old self?
Stop, breathe. Look around you. Look at what you have accomplished so far. I am proud of you. Your kindness, courage, and positive energy are three characteristics that you possess that you’ll need throughout your life. Embrace them, celebrate them, and continue to share them with the world. Dream big, and then go and work for them. Make them happen.
Lived Unsettled in?
Amazon, Tuscany, Cape Town, Bali and Sailing
What do you do for work?
Holistic health / Life coach and cognitive hypnotherapist. I inspire and empower people to unlock their full potential by letting go of self limiting beliefs. I specialize in the treatment of general/social anxiety, depression as well as weight management.
What does it mean to you to be called an “international woman”?
To be an advocate for young girls’ and women’s health and wellbeing around the world, irrespective of their religion, color, and ethnicity.
If you could say one thing to all young women around the world, what would you say?
Get to know who you are and don’t let others or anything define your worth. You all have potential for enormous success, so surround yourself with people who are going to help you shine your light. Don’t settle! Dare to stand out and be different.
What would you say to your 18-year-old self?
Don’t take yourself too seriously, If you don’t allow yourself to get lost, you will never get to discover who you truly are and what means most to you. You didn’t know any better but you were exactly what I needed you to be because you showed me that change can happen and that we don’t have to be victims of our conditioning but masters of our destiny. Keep going, you’re about to do great things, and more than you could possibly ever imagine.
Lived Unsettled in?
What do you do for work?
I’m a strategy consultant to private wealth management firms – helping their investment advisors to scale their businesses through investment products, technology platforms and operational efficiencies. (Yup, a bit of a mouthful, but helps with all the time off I need for my photography!)
If you could say one thing to all young women around the world, what would you say?
My message to young women would be to invest in yourselves. Invest time and effort, focus, thought, and money to pursue your personal joys, ambitions, and passions, and to be financially independent! If you can take care of yourself, and keep your humility, you can truly be there for the people you love… which in the end is what matters the most. Also, question everything and everyone, be unafraid to get help and advice, but find your own answers!
Lived Unsettled in?
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