Andrew Williams

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Melbourne, Australia

Unsettled destination:

What do you do for work?
I am the founder of my own business, Agility Consulting Group. I specialize in helping individuals and teams to experiment, grow and achieve their desired goals.

What makes you feel most alive?
I feel most alive around people who are wanting to learn & grow, have fun, seek to make a difference and show kindness to those around them.

What does adventure mean to you?
Stepping outside your comfort zone and disrupting your world view.

Reason for joining Unsettled?
I wanted to feel alive, experience joy, and finalize my book in a co-working environment that would inspire me.

What does living Unsettled mean to you?
Living Unsettled means living a life that enables me to grow. I want to live a life that’s fun, creative, connected and joyful. It doesn’t matter how old you are… because even at 54, I’m experiencing the joy of Unsettled.

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