Charlotte Defazio
Brooklyn, NY
Unsettled destination:
Marrakech, Morocco
What do you do for work?
What are you most passionate about?
Anything that allows me to be creative, to expand my mind or truly connect with others.
Reason for joining Unsettled?
One month is a nice chunk of time to familiarize yourself with a country. Plus, the diverse community of talented people you get to share it with is incredibly rewarding.
What does living Unsettled mean to you?
Being unsettled is exactly as it sounds—it’s choosing not to settle for unfulfilling relationships, jobs or homes. It’s choosing to step out of your comfort zone and day-to-day routine that could easily start feeling mundane. It’s being brave, taking the leap and following whatever sets your soul on fire. You never know what extraordinary things are waiting on the other side..
What Next? Explore Unsettled!
Unsettled is a global community for those who live and work differently.
Growth | Meaning | Adventure