Jordin James

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Portland, USA

Unsettled Destination: 


What do you do for work?
I’m a writer on and an inner peace coach.

I joined Unsettled because…
My dream life looks like traveling the globe, working from anywhere, and living the fullest life possible. I thought Unsettled seemed like a great safe place to try out this lifestyle with other like-minded people before jumping into it by myself. I was right. Not only have I learned tips and tricks for traveling and working remotely, but I’ve also met amazing people that have poured more wisdom and love into my life than I’ve ever expected. For those looking to start a life as a digital nomad, I highly recommend starting with an Unsettled trip!

Unsettled inspired me to…
Think critically about what I want — I mean what I REALLY want — and to become really intentional about focusing my time and energy around that. This means being brave enough to say no to the things I don’t want to do and to show up for myself in the areas I need to.

The Unsettled community…
Has been full of some of the most supportive people I’ve ever met. It’s true that you become who you surround yourself with. Hanging out with my fellow Unsettlers has done wonders in changing my opinion about myself — how inherently worthy I am, how much money I am capable of making, and how much I have to offer the world.

I’m approaching work and life differently through Unsettled… 
Instead of setting crazy goals and forcing my way to success, I decided to show up to Medellin with eyes wide open and just see what is here waiting for me this month. So far, I have kept up with all my good habits — even dropped a few bad habits — and have lived in the present moment way more than I did back home. I’ve never felt more peaceful and alive all at the same time.

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