Traveling To My Tribes

Traveling To My Tribes

While planning my upcoming trip around the world, I skimmed countless articles on “The top 10 destinations this year” and “Places to go before you die.” All of those surreal photos and catchy descriptions made me starry-eyed, but there was something missing. But who would be there when I arrive? Where would I belong? What if I could make community my destination?

How I Convinced My Boss To Let Me Live Unsettled

How I Convinced My Boss To Let Me Live Unsettled

Creativity, much like a relationship, needs to be nurtured and given room to grow. Every now and then however, you need to take a break.As a creative in the South African Advertising Industry, I am constantly looking for inspiration. But there are only so many awards annuals, creative forums and 9gag cat pictures one can go through.After over a decade, I felt like I had lost that creative spark; the thing that made me fall in love with my career in the first place. A change was needed.

Change is in the Air: My Month in Medellin

Change is in the Air: My Month in Medellin

Three weeks ago I hopped on a flight to spend two months working remotely in Latin America. The first stop, Medellin, Colombia. I have always loved travel, but need to feel as though it serves a purpose. I want to see the world and experience new countries and cultures and people, but never want to put my life on ‘hold’ to do it.

Welcoming Unsettled: Medellín, February 2017!

Welcoming Unsettled: Medellín, February 2017!

What does it mean to live “Unsettled” for a month? Well, it’s a little different for everyone, but the threads that tie each of our experiences and participants together are perspective, transition, and growth. We have an incredible group joining us for our Medellin coworking retreat this month, and we thought we’d take a moment to highlight just a few of them!

Beyond The Month: Unsettled Meet-Ups Around The World

Beyond The Month: Unsettled Meet-Ups Around The World

The Unsettled experience goes far beyond just one month. Our community spans dozens of countries, and we keep track of their meet-ups, significant life transitions, and adventures. With a group as diverse, restless, and creative as the Unsettled crew, there’s no shortage of great stories to be told…

The Unsettled Manifesto

The Unsettled Manifesto

You’ve worked hard.You did everything you were told. Checked the boxes, one by one, as your 20s went by. You finished college. Made great friends. Started a career for yourself.  Sure, there were some bumps in the road, but whatever. In the end, you did it. You got an apartment, lived the city life, and took your two weeks of vacation a year.  You learned how to survive – no, fuck it, thrive – on your own.And then, it all seemed to slow down.  At some point, you couldn’t help but wonder, “Is this it?”

One month can take you anywhere…

One month can take you anywhere…

At Unsettled, we have intentionally designed these retreats as month-long experiences because we believe that for most of us it is through time, structure, and new environments that we can give ourselves the opportunity to build accountability and realize so many of the dreams, projects, and lifestyle goals that we so often talk about.There’s an old saying that it takes “30 days to make or break a habit”. As cliche as it sounds, it’s true. We structure our lives by the month – leases, mortgages, credit card payments, anniversaries, and so much more. So why can’t we structure our personal growth, goals, adventures and experiences by the month, as well?