To Be Fully Present, Get Some F*$%ing Sleep

Do you need a good rest? Many people have joined our retreats with the primary purpose of taking an intentional break from their routine hustle in order to get some much-needed sleep.

And why not?! When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep? Or a month’s worth of solid ZZZs? How about a mid-afternoon nap? For many of us, our last nap was during weekly Philosophy 101 lectures, or perhaps even further back to when we were crib-bound. If you would be too tired to raise your hand if I asked, “are you well rested?”, lucky for you, it’s Sleep Awareness Week. That means it is prime time to wake up, explore your (potentially unhealthy) sleep habits, and get some fucking rest!

The Research on Sleep

If you spend your waking hours hustling like most of us, you should also spend your late night hours sleeping. Research for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that today more than 1 in 3 American adults are not getting enough rest. Though we are filling our days with more, due to our hyper-connected world, many of us are sleeping less.

Not only does sleeping less than six hours a night negatively impact your long-term physical and mental health, but it is also reducing our productivity when you are awake. The United States has exhibited the highest economic losses (up to $411 billion a year!) of any country as a direct result of sleep deprivation. This same study suggests that if all workers who sleep under six hours a night were to increase their snoozing to six to seven hours a night, the United States economy could increase by $226.4 billion! Can you say, sweet dreams!?

Each and every one of us may be able to turn the tides on our “go, go, go” society literally overnight. If society at large continues to value productivity in the workplace first and foremost, then a healthy sleep regimen for all employers and employees is essential. And let’s also devillify naps while we’re at it! A tired, sleepy mind is not a fully sharp and sound mind. In order to show up to our tasks as our best selves, even a short 30-minute nap has proven to significantly increase brain function and alertness. Neil Parikh, the co-founder of Casper, writes in a recent article in Fast Company, “We see that a more well-rested world is a world where we are healthier, more productive, kinder, and have a little more fun.”

We’ll sleep to that!

Unsettled’s Best Retreats for Resting

Many Unsettled alumni have joined our retreats with the primary purpose of intentionally taking a rest. From perfecting the art of hammocking in Medellín to Barcelona beach siestas and lazy days under the Tuscan sun, we take enormous pride in our participants’ ability to nap (hopefully taking the best naps of their lives!) and consciously taking the time to rest, recharge and rejuvenate. We know firsthand how we can’t be our full creative, adventurous and curious selves if we are not fully awake to what the world has to offer.

Now, go to bed!


Unsettled is a global community for those who live and work differently. 

Growth | Meaning | Adventure

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